Singly Circular Linked List:
Menu-Driven Program in C Language - Data Structure
Singly Circular Linked List Menu-Driven Program in C Language.
This program will learn about the following operations of a singly circular linked list in c programming.
- To create a complete singly circular liked list.
- Inserting a node at the beginning of the list
- Inserting a node at the end of the list.
- Inserting a node at the random position of the list.
- Deleting the first node of the list
- Deleting the last node of the list
- Deleting the node of the linked list of a given position
- To display all the elements of the doubly linked list
- To count the total number of nodes of the singly linked list
- To search an element of the linked list
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//Singly circular linked list menu driven program #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node { struct node *next; int data; }; struct node *tail=NULL; void create_list() { struct node *newnode; newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); int i, n, item; printf("\nEnter the number of nodes of the linked list: "); scanf("%d", &n); if(n==0) { printf("\nNothing to insert\n",n); return; } printf("\nEnter the element 1: "); scanf("%d", &item); newnode->data=item; tail=newnode; tail->next=tail; for(i=1; i<n; i++) { newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct node*)); printf("\nEnter the element %d: ", i+1); scanf("%d", &item); newnode->data=item; newnode->next=tail->next; tail->next=newnode; tail=tail->next; } } void insert_beg() { struct node *newnode; int item; newnode=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\nEnter the number which you want to insert at beginning: "); scanf("%d",&item); newnode->data=item; if(tail==NULL) { tail=newnode; newnode->next=newnode; } else { newnode->next=tail->next; tail->next=newnode; } printf("%d inserted successfully at the beginning of the list\n",item); } void last_insert() { struct node *newnode; int item; newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct node*)); printf("\nEnter the element which you want to insert at last of the list: "); scanf("%d", &item); newnode->data=item; if(tail==NULL) { tail=newnode; newnode->next=newnode; } else { newnode->next=tail->next; tail->next=newnode; tail=tail->next; } printf("%d inserted successfully at the last of the list\n", item); } void random_insert() { struct node *newnode, *temp; int item, pos, loc; temp=tail->next; newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct node*)); printf("\nEnter the position after which you want to insert the data: "); scanf("%d",&pos); printf("\nEnter the data which you want to insert after %d position: ",pos); scanf("%d",&item); newnode->data=item; loc=pos; while(pos>1) { temp=temp->next; pos--; } newnode->next=temp->next; temp->next=newnode; if(temp==tail) { tail=tail->next; } printf("\nNode inserted successfully after position %d\n",loc); } void del_first() { if(tail==NULL) { printf("\nLinked list is already empty\n"); return; } if(tail->next==tail) { free(tail); tail=NULL; printf("\nFirst node deleted successfully\n"); return; } struct node *temp; temp=tail->next; tail->next=temp->next; free(temp); temp=NULL; printf("\nFirst node deleted successfully\n"); } void del_last() { if(tail==NULL) { printf("\nLinked list is already empty\n"); return; } if(tail->next==tail) { free(tail); tail=NULL; printf("\nLast node deleted successfully\n"); } struct node *temp=tail->next; while(temp->next!=tail) { temp=temp->next; } temp->next=tail->next; free(tail); tail=temp; printf("\nLast node deleted successfully\n"); } void del_random() { struct node *temp, *temp2, *countPlease; int pos, count=0; if(tail==NULL) { printf("\nLinked list is already empty\n"); return; } printf("\nEnter the position of the node which you want delete: "); scanf("%d",&pos); countPlease=temp=tail->next; do { count++; countPlease=countPlease->next; }while(countPlease!=tail->next); if(pos>count) { printf("\nCan't delete - there are only %d elements in the list\n",count); } else if(count==1) { free(tail); tail=NULL; } else if(pos==1) { tail->next=temp->next; free(temp); temp=NULL; } else { while(pos>2) { temp=temp->next; pos--; } temp2=temp->next; temp->next=temp2->next; if(temp2==tail) { tail=temp; } free(temp2); temp2=NULL; } } void search() { struct node *temp; int element, position=1, flag=0; if(tail==NULL) { printf("\nLinked list is already empty\n"); return; } temp=tail->next; printf("\nEnter the element which you want to search: "); scanf("%d",&element); do { if(temp->data==element) { printf("\nElement found at position %d\n", position); flag=1; } temp=temp->next; position++; }while(temp!=tail->next); if(flag==0) { printf("\n%d does not exist in the list\n", element); } } void count() { struct node *temp; int count=0; if(tail==NULL) { printf("\nThere are zero node in the linked list\n"); return; } temp=tail->next; do { count++; temp=temp->next; }while(temp!=tail->next); printf("\nTotal number of nodes in the list are %d.\n", count); } void display() { struct node *temp; if(tail==NULL) { printf("\nNothing to print- Linked list is empty\n"); return; } printf("\n---------Printing the data of the singly circular linked list---------\n"); temp=tail->next; do { printf("%d ",temp->data); temp=temp->next; }while(temp!=tail->next); printf("\n"); } void main() { int choice=0; while(choice!=11) { printf("\n===============================================\n"); printf("\n------Main Menu-----\n"); printf("\n1. Create a singly circular linked list\n2. Insert an element at first position\n3. Insert an element at last position\n4. Insert an element in between the nodes\n5. Delete first element\n6. Delete last element\n7. Delete a intermediate node\n8. Count the number of elements\n9. Display the elements of the linked list\n10. Search a element of the linked list\n11. Exit\n"); printf("\n===============================================\n"); printf("\nSelect an option from the above menu: "); scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice) { case 1: create_list(); break; case 2: insert_beg(); break; case 3: last_insert(); break; case 4: random_insert(); break; case 5: del_first(); break; case 6: del_last(); break; case 7: del_random(); break; case 8: count(); break; case 9: display(); break; case 10: search(); break; case 11: printf("\nThank You\n"); exit(0); break; default: printf("\nPlease enter a valid choice\n"); } } } //Written by Afzal Imam //Visit